Gave ME the tools to be the leader

Two dogs sitting on the same bed. Nothing amazing about that right? They do it everyday.

Not these two.

Last night they could not have done it
This morning they could not have done it
This evening – they can do it.

A normal evening in this house is having them seperate and knowing without a doubt that as soon as they are together it’ll be a battle. He will sit ontop of her. She will nip and bite at him. He will bite at her leg and the back of her neck and she will shake and look scared and miserable. I will be calling to no avail ‘Tiger get off her! Leave her! Tiger no!!!! Sprinks come here.. No don’t hide! Ok that’s it one of you out!’

That’s my night.

Except tonight.

Because today we met Bear. Who gave ME the tools to be the leader. Who gave ME the ability to let them know – I’m in control. The decisions are mine. We are calm. We are not worried about the other. We are listening to me. And so tonight they can sit on the same bed and not be at eachother. Because tonight they know they don’t need to.

It’s all a work in progress – I still have a lot of work to do. But now I believe I can do it. And although it’s not a ‘magic fix’ – in this moment.. I’m finding it pretty magical.

Thank you Bear. You’re absolutely amazing.