I once believed that my dog had severe separation anxiety

I am truly lost for words! It was amazing to watch bear take control of my dog and transform her. I once believed that my dog had severe separation anxiety that was beginning to cause me so much stress. I couldn’t leave her alone for longer than 10 minutes without her destroying everything in sight to find an escape route. I have spent way too much on “anxiety” fixes from adaptil collars to thunder jackets. When all she needed was some guidance and mental stimulation from me. With only a few hours spent training her with bear yesterday is all it took for Indy to walk on her lead this morning happily beside me instead of in front & nearly pulling my arm off. We still have a bit more work to do until I can confidently leave her home alone without any stress but I finally feel at peace knowing that my dog will be perfected in due course. I cannot thank bear enough for all the knowledge he has passed on to me. I only wish I had called him sooner!!!!